EUDAMED Database Structure


What is EUDAMED? 

The EUDAMED stands for “European Database for Medical Devices” and is operated by the European Commission to centralize all relevant information on medical devices on the EU market and to ensure traceability and transparency.

EUDAMED is based on a decision of the European Commission (2010/227 / EU). In this decision, the EU formulates the purpose of EUDAMED:
“The European Medical Devices Database aims to improve market surveillance by giving competent authorities swift access to information about manufacturers and their authorized representatives, products and certificates, and vigilance data; it should also contribute to the exchange of information on clinical examination data and the consistent application of the above directives, in particular with regard to reporting requirements.”

The example of the PIP scandal (ban on breast implants from a French manufacturer) shows that centralized management of data, such as clinical trials, market surveillance and recalls, can certainly make sense and save lives.


What is stored in the EUDAMED?

The EUDAMED will comprise a total of 6 interconnected areas, all of which will be electronically accessible to the medical device manufacturer. Therefore, all information can be transmitted fully electronically.

The European Commission, the competent authorities and the Member States can view/access all module information.

The 6 modules of EUDAMED consist of:

EUDAMED 3 Database


1. Module ACT – Actor Registration

This module allows manufacturers (actors) to register and later be clearly identified. The actors include manufacturers, importers and EU representatives. After registration and verification of the data provided, the actors will have access to EUDAMED. With the help of the SRN (Single Registration Number) every economic actor can be clearly identified. However, the SRN must be requested separately from the responsible Competent Authority (CA).

Public access. Since the 1st December 2020 all actor information registered in EUDAMED are publicly available, together with the restricted EUDAMED site. The public website will follow the same roadmap as the restricted website.


2. Modul UDI – Unique Device Identification

The UDI module will contain all device-specific information and have the same functions as the comparable database of the American Health Authority (FDA) GUDID. The main difference to the GUDID is that the UDI data is divided into two areas BASIC UDI-DI and the UDI-DI. The BASIC UDI-DI serves to map all common properties of a product group. The UDI-DI contains only the product-specific information. There can be several UDI-DI for a BASIC UDI-DI. Conversely, a UDI-DI is assigned to exactly one BASIC UDI-DI (see illustration below).



As an economic operator, you are responsible for managing all UDI attributes in your own company and transferring the data to EUDAMED. Read here how we can support you.


 Data attributes of EUDAMED 


Further information about the our UDI EUDAMED Excel Template can be found here.

Public Access. The public can view the SS(C)P (summary of safety [and clinical] performance) attached to a registered device, download registered Basic UDI-DI and UDI-DI data, view information on the registered Basic UDI-DI, UDI-DI and Device.

3. Module CRF – Certificate

Any medical device distributed in Europe will require a valid approval certificate in the future in accordance with MDR 2017/745 and IVDR 2017/746, which certifies that the product meets all the regulatory requirements. By grouping products into a BASIC UDI-DI, you simply need a certificate for one product group instead of each article within a product group. These certificates will be managed in the module CRF in the future.

Public Access to the registration of certificates of conformity, their scope and validity period.


4. Module CIPS – Clinical Investigation

According to the new Medical Devices Regulation (MDR), manufacturers of medical devices are required to conduct a clinical assessment for all their products, regardless of the risk class, including post-market clinical follow-up (PMCF).  The clinical evaluation is an essential manufacturing task and an integral part of a manufacturer’s quality management system (Article 10, paragraphs 3 and 9f MDR). By definition, clinical evaluation is a systematic and planned process for the continuous generation, collection, analysis and evaluation of clinical data on a product. The clinical review will verify the manufacturer’s safety and performance, including clinical benefit.

Partial public access. Clinical Investigation Registration, Clinical Investigation Results Reporting and Publication are accessible to the public. Clinical Investigation Application Documents will potentially be accessible by the public.



5. Module VGL – Vigilance

Any serious incident involving medical devices must be documented and provided. In the technical documentation, the number of incidents and objects must be reported. Security corrective measures on the products made available on the Union market must also be reported.

Partial public access for manufacturer incident reports and the field safety notices for Vigilance activities.



6. Module MSU – Market Surveillance

In the module MSU the results of the market surveillance are reported back. The competent authorities are those who carry out market surveillance and publish the reports. The competent authority which has carried out the inspection shall inform the economic operator that was the subject of the inspection about the contents of the report in reference to paragraph 6 of this Article. Before accepting the report, the competent authority will give this economic operator the opportunity to comment. This final control report shall be recorded in the electronic system referred to in Article 100 (module MSU). 

Summary public access. Public can view a summary of the results of the reviews and assessments of the market surveillance activities of a Market Surveillance.


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