Test your knowledge of UDI with our interactive quiz!

Test your knowledge of UDI with our interactive quiz!

Test your knowledge about UDI with our interactive quiz!

What is UDI?

UDI plays a crucial role in the traceability of medical devices to ensure safety and compliance. But how well do you really know this topic?

Take part in our interactive quiz – in just 5 minutes!

Test your knowledge with 10 quick questions and find out where you stand in the world of UDI. Our quiz covers various aspects, from basic principles to applicable regulations. It’s a great opportunity for industry professionals, regulatory authorities, and curious minds to learn more.

Test Your Knowledge: UDI Quiz below!


1 / 10

What is the purpose of UDI (Unique Device Identification)?

2 / 10

What does the acronym IMDRF stand for?

3 / 10

Since when has the Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) existed?

4 / 10

Where is the UDI marking placed according to the new EU MDR rules?

5 / 10

What information is contained in a UDI?

6 / 10

Which components form the Unique Device Identification?

7 / 10

Where does the Basic UDI-DI appear in comparison?

8 / 10

When is full functionality of all modules of EUDAMED planned (as of 02.01.2023)?

9 / 10

When filling out clinical size units: When must product manufacturers enter a description as free text?

10 / 10

What type of barcode may you use for the UDI on the label?

Your score is

The average score is 75%


We hope this quiz is as educational as it is entertaining for you. Feel free to share your results and challenge your colleagues. Good luck!

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Paul Mourgues